lundi 21 janvier 2019

[AOS] Welcome to Nurgle's garden, 1k nurgle demons

Hi fellow hobbyists!
The garden of Nurgle is still growing, and  had my first AOS 1k points games.

The list, full painted 😆 A nice step in our call to arms AOS project
2 poxwalkers
20 plaguebearers
10 plaguebearers
3 drones
2 beasts of nurgle

Some reinforcements  came up with a second poxwalker based on a lord of plague model and another gnarlmaw based on sylvaneth wyldwood scenery like the fist one.
In addition, 10 more plaguebearers completed one of my units giving me, i hope, a solid full demon 1k  list.

My first AOS games teached me the importance of gnarlmaw and summoning. So I made a second one with the same process as the first. Sculpted some roots and tentacles, and found a lovely bell from a death guard model.

Some plaguebearers bitz, a nurgling and some greenstuff were mixed with a Lord of plague, giving me a nice poxwalker and avoiding a twin model with the first one.

Now it's time to start the big ones ! I have a great unclean one and Horticulux waiting in a drawer and some ideas about a demon prince based on a new gloomspite gitz model.... See you soon and may the rot be with you!

10 commentaires:

  1. un schéma originale et une réalisation au top :)
    vivement les gros.

    1. Merci monsieur, j’ai hâte également d’etiffer Un peu tout ça avec du gros monstre 😁

  2. God damit .... It's legend .... wait for it Dary

  3. Ça claque sévere.
    J'ai vraiment hâte de voir un gros monstre aller avec cette armée

  4. Moi aussi ! J’attends février pour acheter la fig de base pour mon prince démon, ça devrait être intéressant en jeu comme sur l’etabli !

  5. Super article mon Garga ! Ta force motive pour du Aos !! Cet escargot en particulier est juste génial, on vois que tu te fait un bon petit kiff sur ces prouteux :)

    1. J’avoue la partie conversion M’éclate!
      Aller motive toi aussi on attend des goblins sur la table!
